Passive weight loss ideas
1: Take Vitamin D.
Women who were deficient in it lost weight more slowly in a study in the British Journal of Nutrition. Stephen Gullo, a weight-loss expert in New York City and author of The Thin Commandments (Rodale), recommends 2,000 milligrams daily.
2: Drink Coffee.
Studies have found that caffeine increases the rate at which you burn calories, according to Susan B. Roberts, author of The "I" Diet (Workman) and a professor of nutrition and psychiatry at Tufts University in Boston.
3: Sleep More.
Getting fewer than four hours of sleep over an extended period of time slows the metabolism. Experts recommend aiming for between seven and nine.
4.Be hands-on
Wash your dishes, vacuum, or cook dinner. "We consider it a luxury to have tasks done for us, but doing some of these for yourself takes considerable energy," says Slayton.
5: Wear a basic pedometer.
Track your walking
6: Eat lightly and often.
The body uses up more energy digesting smaller meals every few hours than by eating the same number of calories in two or three sittings.
7: Move briskly.
Walk like you have somewhere to be!
8: Laugh
It burns up to 50 calories if you laugh for 10 to 15 minutes per day.
9: Eat breakfast.
You send your body a signal that you're not starving, so it starts burning fat—even when you're just doing normal activities.
10: Time yourself.
Spend the last five minutes of each hour (set your computer timer) up and move around.